Thursday, August 7, 2008

Peanut butter cups

Are my new addiction.

At some point in the last year my American colleagues shared their stash of peanut butter cups with me. I've always been a peanut butter (and chocolate) fan, but hadn't missed it until they mentioned them.

But once I had that first peanut butter cup in Krakow, I was hooked.

Since then, I've had a few people bring me over peanut butter cups, which I try to ration to a cup a day or less. Sadly rationing has gone out the window this week as my last visitors brought me a bulk box of king size cups, which come in packs of two.

I didn't know king sized peanut butter cups even existed.

I prefer not not to think about how many calories are in each one and just savour the peanut butter chocolatey goodness while the box lasts. Which likely won't be long . . .


Anonymous said...

"hey! You got your chocolate in my peanut butter!" "You got your peanut butter in my chocolate!"

Anonymous said...

I've been jonesing for Reese's cups ever since reading this. The problem is that they tend to get melted/misshapen very quickly, so it's really best to keep them refrigerated, and hard to just eat one on impulse on the fly.


hex said...

mmmm, I hadn't thought of putting them in the fridge. However, that would put them in view more often, and I think that might be too dangerous.