Monday, August 6, 2007


I had my first houseful of visitors this weekend. My close friends from Toronto, Chris and Donna, arrived early Friday morning with their two children Jack and Ella, and Chris' sister Yanti, who is currently living in Germany.

I dropped them off at the airport a few hours ago, and they pronounced Krakow a lovely city to visit, and stated that the accommodations weren't too shabby either.

At 6 and 8, this was Jack and Ella's first visit to Europe. When I asked Ella what she liked best about the trip thus far, she said she liked eating out and stated that at home she only gets to eat out 3 or 4 times a year.

I believe Jack's favourite activity was steering a paddle boat in Park Jordana while his big sister did all the peddling. He told us all, very loudly, that steering was very hard work. Ella stated even more loudly that her legs were very tired.

The fire breathing dragon we went to see on Friday was perhaps a close second.

Best quote from six year old Jack on the 6th day of his European vacation, "You mean we have to go out and walk somewhere every day?"

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