Friday, March 13, 2009


I found out a few weeks ago that I will be going back to Canada in a few months, as was originally scheduled when I moved here in May 2007. For most of the last year I thought I'd be staying in Krakow longer (perhaps a year or two more), which really pleased me, but, as everyone knows, the economic climate has changed since then.

So I'm going home. I cried when I found out and have shed more then a few tears about it since.

It's not that I don't love Toronto and all of my fantastic family and friends in Canada, but I've fallen in love with Krakow, and I'm not quite ready to leave.

The toughest part was telling my team this week. I interviewed and hired all but one of them (currently there are 12), and have watched them all learn and become passionate about our profession. They truly are a great group.

By Wednesday I thought I was prepared for it, but as I started to tell them, the tears started again and I had to stop and compose myself.

But I got through it, and now I am concentrating on all of the things I need to see and do in Poland and at work in the next two months (believe me there's still a long list and I haven't even gotten to my European list yet).

And, as my mother keeps reminding me, I have had a fantastic two years here. I'm not quite ready to summarize it all yet - there will be more then enough time for that when I'm back in Toronto.


Sandy Kemsley said...

I can't believe that you've been gone that long. Look forward to seeing you back here.

hex said...

I know - 2 years seems to have whipped by!

janjan said...

Ah, so you'll be coming back here soon!