I've been overrun with lists lately. Lists of what to take to Poland, lists of things I need to do this week, lists of things to do before I leave, lists of to dos for my new job.
I've also been making mental lists of things I think I'll miss when I am in Krakow. That I'll miss my friends and my family immensely goes without saying. Some other things I think I'll miss (in no particular order):
TV - some of my friends gave up TV years ago, but I am a proud TV watcher. I have lists of shows that I watch faithfully and love. I negotiated satellite TV with my landlord, so I won't be entirely without TV, and some of it should even be in English. But I am not so sure that BSG and Veronica Mars will be on in Krakow any time soon.
Basketball - I've been playing basketball twice a week for the past 10 years. This year, I was out for the fall with some ankle injuries, so I got an idea of what it will be like without a team in Poland. And yes, I know they probably have basketball in Krakow too, but it may be a while before I can find a team who will take me. The same goes for Ultimate and Dragon boating, which don't even exist in Poland. And I know I'll miss teaching fitness classes - I don't think my Polish will be up to that for a long time.
CBC Radio - I'm an addict. And yes I know I can listen to it online, but it won't be the same. I am hoping I can find an English language radio station that I can listen to. I want to be in touch with what's going on where I am living, and I hope I can manage that with out speaking the language. I'll be taking Polish lessons but it will take me a while to be able to understand radio.
Peanut butter - What can I say? It's important to me. I am told I should be able to find most North American food in some of the larger more expensive grocery stores, but the local grocery store I checked didn't have any.
Multi-culturalism - Living in Toronto means living with people from all over the world. I can sit on the subway or streetcar and hear 10 different languages in one trip. And it means we have a great variety of food. I am not sure many people are immigrating to Poland from Asia and Africa these days.
The Danforth - I never came to the Danforth much before I moved here 5 years ago - I was a west end girl. Now I love walking the Danforth on a weekend, just checking out what's new in the stores, and browsing in Book City. But I know I'll be able to do similar things in Krakow - I am looking forward to falling in love with a whole new set of neighbourhoods.
Being teased - Donna promises to tease me long distance, but it just won't be the same. However, based on my previous visits with my Polish colleagues I am sure it won't take long before this is part of my daily routine in Krakow. My new manager was teasing me already about saying "in Toronto, we . . . ." Apparently, in his eyes I am not from TO anymore.
I could go on, and I am sure I will in future posts when I discover what I really do miss.
More than anything, I think I will miss being with people who know me so well. The other day I was out for lunch with my friend Diba, and when her lunch came with a dill pickle, she just looked at me and handed it over. Who in Krakow will know that I love dill pickles? And last night DW told me that he knew I would love blogging.
And he was right.