Tuesday, March 20, 2007

What am I doing?

I should be leaving in less than two weeks, although there is still no definitive date.

The closer the departure date, the more moments of self doubt I have - usually late at night (like now). Like, "why am I leaving my home, my family, my friends, my comfortable job, not to mention my country?"

But when I describe my new apartment to people, or when I show them the map of Krakow and point out all the landmarks, and the parks I'll go rollerblading in, and the river I hope to row in, I start to get really excited again.

Just not so much this very minute.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Erin, moving to a new location can be daunting but you've done it before (Alberta to Waterloo, Waterloo to Toronto) and you'd made lots of friends and had lots of adventures. I'm sure you'll do fine in Krakow. Look what happened to me when I moved to Vancouver !!!