Saturday, May 26, 2007


All of my stuff arrived safely on Monday, and miraculously nothing was broken or missing.

Unfortunately for the movers, it was over 30 degrees in Krakow on Monday, and they had to haul everything up 3 flights (no elevators in this building - one of the reasons I like it). I realized that everywhere I have lived in recent memory has had a lot of steps. What does that say about me?

I spent the rest of the day unpacking everything. Seeing all of my books made me very happy - a house is not really a home without books. But unpacking all of my clothes made me wonder why I had so many.

And although I love all the paintings I shipped over, part of me wants everything here in Krakow to be entirely different than it was in Canada, including the artwork on the walls. That part of me doesn't want to recreate my Canadian home here, which is kind of crazy, since all the furniture is different, as is the colour scheme, and the appliances.

I never thought I wanted to change who I am by moving here, but it seems that subconsciously I want more change, even if it is just the art on the walls or the clothes on my back.


Shannon Reynolds said...

Oh Erin, I hope my little still lifes are not the paintings tying you to the past. They looked so old world in the beautiful frames you gave them that I hoped they would look lovely in your new world architect-designed place.

hex said...

Don't be silly! They didn't even exist in my TO home, so they are part of my new life :)

I decided to hang them in the only wall in the kitchen afterall. When they are up, I'll send you a picture of them. I think they will look lovely